Kazetsuyo Valentine Exchange

2021 february 14–21

The Kazetsuyo Valentine Exchange is a fan event that celebrates our love for Run with the Wind and its wonderful fan community around the world! It’s a way to get to know each other a little better and to make personalized gifts for each other in the form of art and writing ❤︎Although this is a Valentine's Day event, romance is optional! Ships are welcome, but so are general pieces that focus on individual characters, friendships, or found families! ❤︎For any news and updates follow us on Twitter, where we’ll also be retweeting and promoting all gifts during the exchange!

how it works

The exchange will be run like a Secret Santa: each participant will be assigned someone to make a gift for, and then between February 14 and 21, you will reveal your gift to your giftee by posting it! Everyone will make a gift, and everyone will receive a gift as well, but you won't know who is making your gift until the day of the reveal ❤︎The organizers will match participants to each other based on their preferences from the signup form, to ensure that everyone can create and receive something they will love ❤︎

how to participate

To participate in the gift exchange, the first step is to sign up using the Google form linked below. This form is also where you can tell us your preferences, like the kind of content you are interested in creating and receiving!Signups will be open from November 16 to 30, and we will be posting reminders on our Twitter so everyone who wants to participate will have a chance ❤︎

After we've matched up everyone, we'll send you a message with your giftee’s name, Twitter, and gift preferences on December 14. We will contact you by Twitter DM, so please make sure you’re either following us or have your DMs open!Once the time for posting gifts arrives on February 14, most of the exchange will be done on Twitter. Post your gift (or a link to it, if it's on another platform) on Twitter, and in the caption: ❤︎ mention your giftee by @ so they are sure to see
 ❤︎ use the hashtag #kazevalentine so we can also retweet it
 ❤︎ mention or tag any included ship by name
 ❤︎ mention any possible warnings
Additionally, if your gift is NSFW, please indicate this in the caption too. Please post a SFW preview to Twitter, with the gift itself only posted in full somewhere else (e.g. AO3, pixiv, privatter, poipiku) ❤︎

gift requirements

All skill levels are welcome! However, we do ask that all gifts are newly created for the exchange, to ensure that everyone can receive something truly personal ❤︎Artists (both digital and traditional): works should be at least bust level, with linework rather than just a sketch. Coloring and backgrounds are optional.Writers: written works should be a minimum of 1000 words.Of course, these are just minimums, and you can absolutely draw or write more for your giftee!


november 16–30signup period: we open our signup forms, after which you'll have two weeks to sign up.
december 14matchup notifications: we send out messages to all gifters with their giftees' preferences.
january 24–31check-in period: we send out a shorter check-in form asking about your progress and if you believe you will be done with your gift in time. You'll have a week to fill it and send it back.
february 14–21gifting period: gifts are posted and gifters are revealed! You can post your gift whenever you like in this week; there's no set scheduling of gifts ❤︎


Can I request a non-shippy work?
Absolutely! If your preference in a gift is platonic or familial relationships or just a single character, we will make sure that is what you will receive (and that you don’t receive anything you're uncomfortable with)!

Can I make a NSFW gift?
Yes, as long as both you and your giftee indicated that you would be all right with one! The message we send with your giftee's preferences should have this information, so if they are okay with NSFW, it's up to you! If you do make a NSFW gift, please make sure to only post the full work somewhere else (like AO3, pixiv, privatter, or poipiku), and just link to it in your Twitter post, with a SFW preview.

How will NSFW gifts work?
In the signups, you will be asked if you want to receive or make a NSFW gift. You can only make/receive a NSFW gift if you're 18+ and you have your age in your Twitter bio, which will ensure that only 18+ participants are making and receiving NSFW gifts. You can still participate in the exchange if you’re a minor or you don’t feel comfortable listing your age, but we will only put you down for SFW gifts.

My giftee indicated that they would be all right with a NSFW gift. Does this mean I have to make one?
Not at all! You should only make what you're comfortable with, and even if you initially indicated that you might consider making a NSFW gift, it’s not a commitment. NSFW is just a possible option you can take if both you and your giftee are okay with it.

Can my gift be an AU work?
It depends on your giftee's preferences! If they didn't specifically mention AUs they enjoy, it might be safer to stay close to canon scenarios. That said, as long as your AU idea doesn't include anything they asked you to avoid, you're free to pursue it!

Can my gift be something other than what my giftee listed as their prompts?
Yes! The prompts are there to give you a guiding idea of what your giftee likes in general, but you don't have to follow detailed prompts exactly, only take as much inspiration from them as you like. However, please stick to the pairings/friendships/characters they asked for, and especially avoid anything they asked you to avoid.

Since this is a multilingual exchange, how will I know my giftee’s preferences if I don’t speak their language? Do I have to fill out the signup form in both English and Japanese?
You only need to fill out one version of the form! In the case of translingual matchups, we will be translating your giftee’s preferences for you, so you’ll know exactly what to create to make them happy!

I believe my giftee does not speak the language I write fics in. What do I do?
If you're a writer, this should not be an issue; our pairing process should only pair writers to giftees who will be able to read and appreciate their work fully without any need for translation. If you believe we messed up your pairing, please let us know as soon as possible so we can check and rectify the issue!

I believe my giftee does not speak the language I make art/comics in. What do I do?
Your safest bet is to create something without any dialogue or other text. However, if you have a vision of a comic or an illustration with some dialogue that you'd like to stick to to make your giftee happy, we can help with translation, just give us your text as soon as you know what it will be!

My giftee speaks a different language than I do. How should I caption my gift tweet?
Twitter’s in-app translation can handle simple, straightforward sentences that don’t contain slang or other unusual phrases, so you can just use your own language in a way that you think will translate well! If you still want to translate your caption yourself, we’re sure that will be appreciated too, and you can always DM us for help!

Will my gifter and giftee be the same person?
Most likely not! If you asked for a pairing or character who only one other person wished to receive or make, you might gift each other, but we will try to make sure that there is interaction between many different fans rather than just pairs!

Should I make something for my gifter after I receive my gift?
You're only expected to make something for your original recipient. A small return gift is a lovely gesture, but not at all expected or required!

I forgot/messed up something on my signup form. Can I still edit it?
The forms can be freely edited as long as signups are open, until November 30. Once they close, we can still accept minor edits (like a prompt you forgot to add, but not entire pairings/characters) before pair notifications go out on December 14, just DM us on Twitter!

I missed the signup period. Can I still participate?
Unfortunately, late entries would require that we switch around gifter-giftee pairings, which would be unfair to anyone who already started working on their gift. For this reason, we can only add you to the exchange as a pinch hitter after the signups, meaning that you likely wouldn't receive a gift in return. If you're okay with this, just DM us! If you want to celebrate with us without pinch hitting, just use the hashtag #kazevalentine on Twitter (and mention any ships and warnings that apply), and we'll still retweet whatever you wanted to share with the fandom!

I don't think I will be able to finish my gift in time by the last day of the exchange. What do I do?
Late gifts are okay, but please notify us as soon as you know this will be the case! We can let your giftee know to wait a little more for their gift.

I don't think I will be able to finish my gift at all. What do I do?
Please notify us as soon as you know this will be the case! The sooner we know, the sooner we can ask a pinch hitter to fill in for you so that your giftee will still receive something. You will still receive your original gift as long as your gifter didn't also drop out.




風強・バレンタインデー・プレゼント交換は「風が強く吹いている」と世界中の素晴らしい共同体を祝うファンイベントです。お互いをもう少しよく知り、一人一人のための二次創作のプレゼントを交換するイベントです ❤︎ヴァレンタインのイベントですが、恋愛要素は必須ではないです!CP要素も歓迎しますが、各キャラクターや友情や他の関係に焦点を当てた作品も大歓迎です! ❤︎ニュースや最新情報については、Twitterでフォローしてください。交換期間中もすべてのプレゼントをRT・宣伝します。


シークレットサンタというプレゼント交換会のようなイベントです。各参加者には自分の贈り物の受取人が割り当てられます。同時に、各参加者は他の誰かからの贈り物の受取人になるように割り当てられます。このように、誰もが1つの贈り物を作り、1つの贈り物を受け取ります。しかし、受取人は、贈り物を受け取る日まで、贈り主が誰であるか分かりません。贈り物は2月14日〜21日の間にTwitterにポストするときに明かします ❤︎誰もが好きなものを作成することも、受け取ることもできるようにするために、主催者は申し込みフォームからの好みに基づいてマッチングします ❤︎


プレゼント交換に参加するには、以下にリンクされているグーグルフォームから申し込んでください。このフォームで作成したい・受け取りしたい作品の種類など好みをお知らせください。申し込みは11月16日から30日まで受け付けています。参加したいどなたにもチャンスがあるよう、Twitterでリマインダーを投稿します ❤︎

 ❤︎ 受取人のアカウント名を@する(確実に届けるため)
 ❤︎ #kazevalentineタグを使用する(主催側でRTするため)
 ❤︎ CPがある場合、CP名を明記するかタグ付けする
 ❤︎ 必要に応じて、警告を入れる。
プレゼントがR18の場合は、ツイート本文にに明記してください。この場合、プレゼント本体はTwitter外の場所(AO3、Pixiv、Privatter、Poipikuなど)に投稿し、プレビューをTwitterに投稿してください。 ❤︎


すべてのスキルレベルの方を歓迎します!  ただし、誰もが本当にその人のためのプレゼントを受け取ることができるよう、すべてのプレゼントは今回の交換のために新しく作成して下さるようお願いします ❤︎イラスト(デジタル/アナログどちらでも):作品は少なくともバストアップ以上の範囲で、またラフじゃなくて線画・清書をお願いします。色と背景はお任せします。小説:作品は1000文字以上でお願いします。もちろんこれらは最小限です。もっと描いたり書いたりすることができます!


贈与期間:プレゼントを公開します!  この週内のいつでもプレゼントを投稿できます。❤︎


❤︎多言語間の交換会だから、もし受取人の言語を読めない場合、どのように受取人の好みを知ることができますか?  申し込みフォームに英語と日本語の両方記入する必要がありますか?

もちろんです!  ご希望が恋愛要素のある作品でも、仲良しの関係の作品でも、キャラ単体の作品でも、それを受け取れるようにします。(そして、苦手なものを受け取らないようにします。)




受取人の好みに依存します!  パロが大丈夫であるとはっきり書かれていなければ、原作に寄せたほうが安全かもしれません。でも、パロの内容に受取人が望まないものが含まれていないかぎり、制限はしません!

はい!  テーマは受取人が大まかに何が好きかについてのガイドとなるためにありますが、正確に従う必要はなく、インスピレーションを得るためのものと考えてください。しかし、受取人が求めたCPや関係性、キャラクターは必ず守ってください。特に受取人が避けるように頼んだものはすべて避けてください。

多言語間の交換会だから、もし受取人の言語を読めない場合、どのように受取人の好みを知ることができますか?  申し込みフォームに英語と日本語の両方記入する必要がありますか?
申し込みフォームに1つの言語で記入するだけで大丈夫です!  必要に応じて、主催者は受取人の好みを翻訳します。

あなたが小説をプレゼントする場合、翻訳を必要とせずにプレゼントを読むことのできる受取人とマッチングするため、この問題は起きないと思われます。しかし、小説作家が別の言語を話す人からイラストを受け取ることは可能です〜!  もしマッチングに問題があると思われる場合は、主催者へお知らせください。